Have you ever spent time on trying to market your business on Social Media – creating posts, researching content and generated approximately 0 results?
If so – you wouldn’t be the only one!
This “blog post” is actually an interview, where the president of my local business chamber sat with me to discuss how to actually generate customers and sales from Social Media Marketing.
Some of the questions that get asked are:
- Why people (or fans) aren’t seeing what we post
- How do we get in front of the right people (ideal customers)
- A specific example of what to do
- and more
Check out the full interview (approx. 8 mins below) and transcript:
Want to find out how to make Social Media work for YOUR business (and bring in leads, customers and sales)?
Click on [this link], and let’s have a quick chat to see if Social Media Marketing would work for your business, and the exact steps you need to take to make it work.
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Debra Fraser: | My name is Debra Fraser.
Welcome to Back of House Business Innovation. What I love more than doing anything else is looking at things differently so that businesses can have great results instead of ordinary results. One area you’ll find that we seem to have lots of problems with is social media. I don’t know about you, but with myself you can spend hours and hours on Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn, all sorts of things and where you don’t seem to convert to a sale. It just is not getting that result. I thought, today with this episode, we would actually speak to an expert and see how we can change that around, so we actually have massive results from spending time on social media.
Today in the room I have with me Will Wang. He is (CEO of Growth Labz and) Digital Director at Covered Marketing.
Will you’ve got a big job today, we want to know how we can spend a small amount of time on one of the social medias platforms and actually generate sales and relationships. How are we going to do that and what should we be looking at?
Will Wang: | Sure, so it’s funny you say small amount of time because…
Time generally equates to money right?
Debra Fraser: | That’s right.
Will Wang: | People might be spending a lot of time on social media trying to post, trying to do things like that, but unfortunately you’ve got to think of it as a business.
Facebook, Instagram, whatever platform it is, it exists out there as a business to make money off you. Nowadays it’s actually really hard to reach your fans even if you’ve got a thousand followers. Only one or two percent of them will actually see your post.
Debra Fraser: | But why, that’s not fair.
Will Wang: | Unfortunately, they’ve got to make money as well.
Debra Fraser: | All right.
Will Wang: | They’ve got staff to feed, and I’m sure Mark Zuckerberg could use another mansion.
Debra Fraser: | Oh yes, that’s right, exactly.
Will Wang: | What they do is to get out to the wider market or to get in front of people that normally wouldn’t see what you’re saying, you have to do what we call a boosted post – which is where you can pick who you’re talking to and get the message to a wider audience.
Debra Fraser: | All right. With a boosted post, is there any trick to it at all? Could you just pick and area or something or can you make a mistake?
Will Wang: | It depends. The biggest mistake I’ve found: Business owners who don’t set budgets.
They just go, “I’m going to run $50/day thinking it means $50 across the entire ad set, and then they just let it run continuously. At the end of the month they get a bill for a thousand, they go, “What’s going on?”
Debra Fraser: | Exactly, and still no sales.
Will Wang: | Yeah. From a budgeting perspective as a small business owner, that’s a risk you have to control. Making sure that you’ve got a set budget and you also know who you’re going out to.
If you’re a local business you don’t want the entire state knowing about your services, you only want people within a defined area, and with Facebook you can easily do that.
Debra Fraser: | All right, that’s great to know. How do you know it’s actually getting to the group of people? You’ve just been saying that even if you have 1000 followers, maybe only 2% of them will see that post.
How do you know that you’re going to actually reach a thousand people in let’s say the Brookvale area? Guarantee kind of thing, how does that work?
Will Wang: | We’ll leave the “how” with Facebook, they’re much smarter than me at figuring out how to do this (technically).
(From a marketing perspective though) There’s a few choices you can make when boosting or spending money. One of those choices is looking at a defined address and a radius from that address. We can say look at the town of [Brookvale 00:03:14] and then go ten miles, because Facebook’s [mirror 00:03:15] can go five or ten miles radius within this address, and then you’ve got interest targeting.
For an example, if I was going to target Accountants within 5-10 km of Brookvale, I look at Brookvale as an area and I look at the interest of the people I’m targeting to make sure they’ve got things like CPA Australia or something that’s relevant to that industry sector.
Debra Fraser: | Okay. Just to make it a bit more relevant as well. If I was running say, what sorts of things… Say I was a graphic designer and I want to reach people who want to get new business cards, that kind of thing, what interest areas would I be looking at do you think? What sort of ideas? Just asking the tough questions.
Will Wang: | I’m going to get a little bit technical here so if viewers have any questions, do shoot us an email.
There’s two sides of Facebook: One is the posting side which you all see and one is the ads side. If you’ve been on Facebook anywhere at the time, you’ve heard of Facebook ads. If you’ve got a direct result that you actually want, say a lead, a sale or just someone calling your phone, that’s where you actually go to the ads.
Debra Fraser: | All right, rather than just putting a post. Post is really just building your relationship as opposed to making people do things.
Will Wang: | They kind of work hand in hand. Let’s get back to the example of designer, I’ll explain how I do that and I’ll explain how a post ties into it.
If I was a graphic designer looking for people who want new business cards, I look at the area I service, which if you’re in graphic design you can set it as anywhere.
Debra Fraser: | It could be anywhere. Let’s say we just want to do something Northern Beaches.
Will Wang: | Yeah, Northern Beaches. Let’s say we go we go from Manly, we go 10-15 miles radius within Manly. I target things like small business owners which you can actually do.
Facebook knows who’s a small business owner and who’s not. Tell Facebook you want to get in front of them. The ad itself has to be compelling so you can’t just say, “I’m a graphic designer, everybody use me.” There’s got to be some real benefit because one of the biggest mistakes people make is they try to sell straight from Facebook.
When people are browsing cat pictures and dog photos, no one wants to be sold, but if you provide them with a value proposition and you say, “If you hadn’t had your business card updated in years, you look tacky in front of people you network with, so why don’t we have a look at the design and see if this can actually generate more business for you, because you’ll look more modern and professional.”
Debra Fraser: | That’s right, I’ve seen some awful business cards, I have to say.
Will Wang: | There’s a few ones around.
Debra Fraser: | Exactly. It’s all about showing people what results you can give them. It’s not saying that you have a bachelors degree in graphic design, no one cares about that.
That and then, I guess it has to sort of say, “You will have a business card which people will want to take and call you back.” Something like that, so it’s all about results that you’ll get by engaging that graphic designer, not about how expert they are at what they do.
Will Wang: | Yup, exactly.
Debra Fraser: | I could do the same with say book keeping. It’s not about book keeping, it’s about you’ll have more time in your life because you’ll not be doing all the basic stuff with putting rules and stuff like that.
Will Wang: | Yeah, exactly.
Debra Fraser: | Good point. I think that’s great information, thanks Will. About how to actually get a result out of an ad as opposed to just say, “This is what I’m good at,” I think it’s very key about the results.
Also knowing that you’re not actually reaching all of your followers at any time. If you want to actually reach a particular set of people, you need to set up a Facebook ad and specify the areas.
Everyone, I hope you learned a lot out of that today. Please go out and try it out on your Facebook today, I’d love to hear what results you’ve got from that. We look forward to seeing you in our next episode.